Model Male Zerg of Zerg Clan


Lu Xi crossed over to three thousand years ago.

At this time, the male zergs were generally weak and small. Lu Xi, a tall and robust male zerg, appeared very… very much like a delusional female zerg , finally mistaking himself for a male zerg.

Despite Lu Xi’s endless explanations and resistance, he was still taken to the Military Female Zerg School.

To his astonishment, he met the legendary marshal, Xia Baiyuan, who was written into textbooks a thousand years later and required to be memorized a hundred times.

What’s even more unexpected is that the handsome and friendless marshal in the textbooks, is now just an ordinary female zerg with a gloomy temperament and a slender figure.

As a little fan, Lu Xi always remembered his idol’s life.

Stomach problems, leg injuries, hearing loss, almost blindness…

No, this won’t do.

He made up his mind that he must fatten up his idol, preferably…

Lu Xi looked at Xia Baiyuan’s handsome but gloomy face, tears uncontrollably streaming down his cheeks.

If only he could smile a little more, QAQ.

Xia Baiyuan was very distressed.

A female zerg inexplicably intruded into his life, unreasonably treating him well, and sternly demanding him to take care of himself.

What exactly did he want from him?

This confusion lasted for three months, until one day, Xia Baiyuan returned to the dormitory, and that strange female zerg kept twisting his clothes in his arms:

“Ah ah ah, Baiyuan, my Baiyuan——”

The two zergs looked into each other’s eyes: “……”

Xia Baiyuan lowered his eyes, his face slightly flushed: “If… if it’s you, then maybe it’s not impossible.”

Lu Xi: ??

Ecstatic Dance.jpg

Until after marriage, Xia Baiyuan dumbfoundedly looked at his own belly: “Huh……”

Can two female zergs give birth to offspring too?

A medical miracle?

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Jun 29GalaxyTL
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