Days of Cohabitation with a Tentacle Monster on a Desolate Planet

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73 Chapters 1 Extra (Completed)

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Yun Jiao Jiao has transmigrated. The bad news is, she finds herself on an uninhabited wasteland planet. The good news is, she has a farming game system with her—

It helps her plant and gather resources, access the internet, open a shop, and through some mysterious power, sell her produce to obtain supplies. And it seems to be quite popular.

Yun Jiao Jiao’s little life began to thrive.

She found a tall and handsome wild man on the wasteland planet. Yun Jiao Jiao: …Turns out I’m living out the Robinson Crusoe storyline.

Yun Jiao Jiao and the wild man became neighbors. She fed him every day and talked to him.

The wild man learned quickly. He soon mastered human language, writing, and social skills. They could even lie on the couch together to play games and watch videos.

The wild man began to return her favors. The ripest wild fruits from the treetops, the freshest fish from the streams, and the birds she had been eyeing for a long time from the sky.

Yun Jiao Jiao happily accepted these gifts. Just when she thought her relationship with her neighbor was getting better…

One drunken night, she accidentally fell into the man’s arms, leading to a night of wild passion. Yun Jiao Jiao: “…” The neighborly life suddenly turned into cohabitation.

As Yun Jiao Jiao gradually got used to living together, one night while camping, she woke up in the middle of the night to see the person beside her sprout numerous tent**les, which pierced through the wolves’ bodies and instantly shredded the pack of wolves silently approaching.

Seeing her awake, he retracted his tent**les, transforming them back into normal hands and feet. Blood dripped from his fingertips, dark and eerie. He casually brushed her face.

The man’s eyes were mysterious and dangerous: “You saw everything?”

But the girl, stunned and shocked, showed no fear on her face. Instead, her eyes sparkled with a strange light: “Uh…”

“Can I touch your tent**les?”


He had been asleep for millions of years, awakened by the girl. He heard the girl’s prayer: Can someone come to keep me company, even a wild man will do!

So he changed his appearance, crossing vast stars, endless galaxies, and ancient, long years to come to her side.

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