竹内けん (Author)



Harem Caravan
  • JP
  • Adult
  • Harem
  • Mature
Some time has passed since the events of Harem Dynast, so Lorent and Ansandra have a teenage daughter and Lucy has a teenage son. The story follows that son who is childhood friends with the princess and has been placed in charge of a merchant caravan full of beautiful girls and women.
Releases 7Frequency 27.86Readers 1
Harem Castle
  • JP
  • Adult
  • Ecchi
  • Harem
  • Mature
The young boy Felix, who admires the Kingdom’s Knights, is suddenly on a certain day set up as the Kingdom’s crown prince, unanticipating that he would live a life immersed in sex. There is a queen who is also a mother, there are maids, and an ex-boss female knight, but other cougars approach! The innocent…
Releases 14Frequency 178.07Readers 2
Harem Dynast
  • JP
  • Adult
  • Fantasy
  • Harem
  • Mature
Harem Dynast is the story of a princess set up in a political marriage with King Lorent, a great conqueror who is often mentioned in the Harem novels.
Releases 17Frequency 30.94Readers 1
Harem Pirates
  • JP
  • Adult
  • Ecchi
  • Harem
  • Mature
The setting moves out to the high seas for the second entry in the Harem Series: Harem Pirates (ハーレムパイレーツ)
Releases 21Frequency 99.05Readers 2
Harem Sister
  • JP
  • Adult
  • Harem
  • Mature
Harem Sister follows Hilcruz, son of Hilmedes from Harem Castle, as a church shelters him and he plots his revenge against the Ishtar Kingdom.
Releases 8Frequency 14.88Readers 2
The Two Dancing Blades
  • JP
  • Action
  • Adult
  • Mature
Another entry in what you can call the Proto Harem Series: the books written before the Harem Series that take place in the same world. It’s about a swordswoman whose student is captured, so she goes to rescue her.
Releases 9Frequency 192.11Readers 2
Harem Engagement
  • JP
  • Adult
  • Ecchi
  • Fantasy
  • Harem
  • Mature
The story takes place in the Ralfint Kingdom just like The Two Dancing Blades and directly references some of its characters. The story is about an orphan who was taken in by a powerful general who has three daughters but always wanted a son. The general asks that the boy marry one of his daughters…
Releases 5Frequency 25.2
A Queen Disgraced: Devilish Strategist
  • JP
  • Adult
Set in the same world as the Harem Series, this novel was written before it. This novel tells the story of how one of the major players in the setting (of the Harem Series) came to be. By pure coincidence, the most recent novel in the Harem Series is something of an epilogue to this…
Releases 8Frequency 23.5
Harem Shadow
  • JP
  • Adult
  • Harem
  • Mature
A sequel of sorts to A Queen Disgraced. Follows a ninja bodyguard tasked with protecting a princess in the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom a while after the two kingdoms combined.
Releases 6
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