
Marriage Agreement
  • CH
  • Romance
  • Yaoi
In order to advance his career, Han Cheng married Xia Tian, a man who not only recently became an adult, but was also younger than him by a little over ten years. Since he didn’t want to lead the kid astray, Han Cheng upgraded to a serious post-marriage lifestyle that did not involve any gambling,…
Releases 38Frequency 8.32
My America
  • Historical
“The capitalist country, it means that I have capital and you don’t have it, so this country is mine! Contact the police and suppress me. Can Rockefeller do it, can I do it in Sheffield?” William Sheffield converged? The smile smiled coldly, “Happy America, every day of gun battle.” The Gilded Age, 1895.
Releases 2
Mechanical Alchemist
  • Game
In the gloomy underground city, there are countless ancient ruins and treasures buried here. Strange, aberrant, cursed thing… Abyss, catacombs, ancient gods, mythological races… Mechanic, curse seal planting, giant city black tower… All kinds of strange alchemy, add a spoonful of steampunk, and two spoonfuls of mysterious and extraordinary, mixing up a colorful fantasy world.…
Releases 2
Mercenaries and Adventurers
  • Fantasy
  • Xuanhuan
Traveling to a different world, a bizarre, mysterious and vast world unfolds in front of Zhao Ji. He wants to run hard in this vast world and live a free and easy life.
Releases 2
Mechanical Alchemist
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Supernatural
The dark dungeons lay hidden beneath the earth, a labyrinth filled with countless ancient relics and treasures. Within these shadowy depths, there existed oddities and aberrations, cursed objects lurking in the gloom… Abysses and caverns were home to eldritch gods and mythical races… Artificers, cursed sigil prosthetics, and the towering black citadels stretched upward like…
Releases 6Frequency 0.67
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