Young Ge’er of the Orion Family

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Xie Yuqing slipped and fell off a cliff one morning. When he woke up again, he had become Qing Ge’er of the Great Li Dynasty! And he can still bear children!

He’s still himself, but how does one bear children like this? He himself? Him? Ah?!

Xie Yuqing hates it when people call him a pretty boy or say he’s effeminate, but he’s not straightforward enough to clear up misunderstandings.

Now that he’s crossed over to another world, things are different. He’s now Qing Ge’er, and no one says those unpleasant things anymore. The world has become much cleaner. But it seems this body is a bit weak.

No worries though. Although he’s still without parents, he has his grandma! She dotes on him, and the family isn’t poor either. How nice! He’ll take his time to recover his health!

No rush to recover, take it slow, and deal with other things first.

For example — settle some scores. Passing by, he happens to see his enemy washing clothes with their back turned. Okay, their back is turned, it’s late autumn, and the water is cool. Extend his leg, three, two, one, kick! Splash!

Enemy falls into the water, feels great!

Huh? If he doesn’t get married by seventeen, he’ll have to pay more taxes, that’s definitely not good. First, find someone to marry!

His savior is handsome and kind, perfectly fitting Xie Yuqing’s aesthetic standards. Even if there are rumors, he’ll take the initiative and marry himself off first!

After settling major life matters, lying low isn’t an option. The family is just comfortably off, not very wealthy! He should think of ways to make money.

He has a transmigration golden finger; in this life, he’ll make a fortune with cooking! Food carts are set up, do you want lamb tripe, starch sausage, or spicy strips? Milk tea with toppings?

His husband is also a skilled hunter, capable of making money. Xie Yuqing calculates that by hunting and gathering mushrooms with Zhang Qian, they can raise the rabbits they catch! Rabbits breed, raise them in litters! Sell the fur and meat, even have cold rabbit, spicy rabbit head?

Xie Yuqing’s business grows bigger and bigger, the food stall upgrades to a shop, and the shop becomes a chain. Xie’s Restaurant becomes famous worldwide, diners flocking in. Ah, did you eat at Xie’s today?

The feeling of lying down and counting money is great!

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