The Emperor’s Uncle Imprisoned Me

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[1] Regent Prince Song Heng was born as white as snow and jade, with a temperament that was out of this world, and no young man in the capital dared to compare with him. Song Yan was saved by him when she was in trouble. After years of living together, Song Yan gradually fell in love with him. However, she heard that he was going to marry.

That night, she drank some light wine, and in a trance, her lips seemed to touch a piece of coolness, which was accompanied by the bitterness of a green lotus. Which she had only smelled it on Song Heng.

The next day, she begged with courage, “Uncle, can you not get married?”

His eyes were filled with a cool smile, as if he could see through everything, “Uncle will naturally get married, and he will choose a good husband for you. Shiqi, you have crossed the line.”

Song Yan suddenly felt that she had nowhere to go and fled in panic.

The day before Song Heng’s wedding, Song Yan looked at the palace decorated with red and colorful decorations, left a thin letter, and gone.

He is going to be married, and the palace would no longer be her home. She should leave.

[2] In a small house in Taowan County, Jiangnan, that night, Song Yan woke up thirsty as usual. She called softly, “Anan, I’m thirsty.” Anan was her husband.

Under the thick curtain, a white jade-like hand reached in and elegantly held the cup for her. Song Yan suddenly sobered up. How could this be Anan’s hand that was used to doing rough work?

At this time, a familiar cold voice came from outside the curtain, gentle but with an inexplicable sense of weirdness, “Xiao Shiqi has a cruel heart. You have been away from home for a long time. Do you still have me, your uncle, in your heart?”

Outside the curtain, her unconscious husband was still lying on the cold ground.

[3] When she woke up again, the surroundings were silent and dark, and the bitter green lotus scent filled her nose. When she moved, only the chain on her ankle rang.

In the darkness, the man held the cold golden lock in his hand, “Ayan, didn’t you promise me that you would stay with me forever? How can you go back on your word? The emperor’s uncle can only resort to this last resort.”

Note: The hero and heroine in this article are not related by blood. The hero and heroine are in a 1v1 relationship.

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