Tribal Society (Tags)

Tribal Society


The world contains a large race of people divided into tribes (communities linked by economic, religious, or blood ties). Tribal societies in novels are often characterized as rural and less civilized, developed, or technologically-advanced than city societies.

Online Games: Level 1 I Ended the Gods
  • Game
Zhou Zhuo was reborn and relied on his self-made game helmet to obtain a powerful talent. [Experience enhancement]: The experience points you get from killing monsters cannot be used to upgrade the character level, but can enhance equipment, props, skills, and special treasures. [Gold Coin Upgrade]: You upgrade the character level to consume gold coins,…
Releases 2
Becoming Rich In A Beast World
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
How to break through the world of beasts? Don’t panic! The system is in hand, I have the world! The intern Su Tang was hit by the Heavenly Falling System and accidentally crossed the Beast World Continent! This is a magical world, tigers with wings, big fireball-breathing birds, enchanting piranhas… everything makes Su Tang stunned!…
Releases 2
I May Be a Dummy
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Yaoi
Serious copywriting: The winter cub became an egg, still a mermaid egg. Finally broke the egg, but he didn’t have sharp claws, sharp teeth, and the fish tails were soft and stubborn. They were so cute and cute. They didn’t look like a ferocious mermaid. The fathers of Dong Zai are very anxious, what should…
Releases 1
The Pioneering Era of Crossing the Orc World
  • Yaoi
This is a very plain passage through the orcs. It’s a bit long-winded, a bit slow. Xiahe crossed into a primitive and backward world of orcs, There he used the knowledge he knew to lead the orcs into a new age. Content Tag: Traveling through Time and Space Search keywords: Protagonist: Xia He, Chi Supporting…
Releases 1
Orcs Build a Well-off Society
  • Yaoi
The main meaning of building a well-off society: In the next few decades, we will strive to double XX times over the previous N years. Everyone’s strength, comprehensive strength and tribal competitiveness will be significantly enhanced, and the technological and cultural innovation system, national fitness and medical and health systems will be gradually established. The…
Releases 1
Rise of Rurik
  • Historical
The soul goes through Scandinavia and becomes Rurik From the youth of the tribe to the leader of the tribe, then to become the prince of Novgorod, step by step in the forests and grasslands and thousands of rivers in Eastern Europe, dispelling obscurity and establishing civilization.
Releases 2
Who is the Female of the Orcs? !
  • Yaoi
The sisal was forced to wear into the hunter world’s beating the enemy Hakka family, and finally got out of it and tragically crossed to the orc world. Calm, he immediately accepted the reality and chose the weakest orc as his partner. Working hard to tune-in the days when he was teaching his partner, he…
Releases 1
Orcs’ Time Through Time
  • Yaoi
Modern times are under great pressure, so let’s go to primitive society. It’s just a single-handedly, primitive society is not easy to mix. You said getting married? Get married when you get married. You say this is not good? Nothing is bad, just open it yourself. Life is to live, and in primitive society, there…
Releases 1
Go Through the World of Beasts and Be a Stick
  • Adventure
  • Yaoi
Modern people Wen Lie accidentally crossed, becoming injured, seriously ill, and non-orc “Wen Lie”. After the Lingbing season, the tribe people were surprised to find that the weak, pitiful, and helpless non-orc Wenlie not only survived, but also hooked up with the strongest warrior of their tribe. Afterwards, Wen Lie summed up his secret of…
Releases 1
Survival In the World of Beasts
  • Yaoi
Minesweeper: 1. The Orc Continent in this article is different from the general setting, slightly bloody and cruel, and the weak and the strong. 2. Humanity struggles, primitive systems, social development, civilization collisions, and births 3. Slightly complaining, attacking black belly and selling cuteness 4. The strong and slow heat, the thunderer should be careful!…
Releases 1
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