The daughter of the Nanfu is under the fence of others; the back house is deep, and the conspiracy is calculated;
The family is the only honor in her heart; for the sake of temporary gain, the sister of the same clan used her and murdered her, but she only saw the truth when she was dying. It was said that “blessings and sufferings are the same”, but it has become the most beautiful lie.
In her rebirth, she swore to God that no one who cheated on her would have a better life!
Cousin hypocrisy? Violently tear off the mask of charity; nephew persecution? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth;
The mortal enemy of the past life has become a friend in this life; the man who abandoned her in the past life has become a stalker in this life; there is also an evil young man who changes his face all the year round and a black-bellied and powerful old boy who loves amnesia; what is this for? The person who bullied her and humiliated her in the past life had to get money if she wanted to contribute! No money? Then sign a deed of sale, and use your future efforts to repay the price…
Key words of the novel: No pop-up window, The Book of Rebirth: The Book of Love.