Raising Little Monster

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Every 2.67 Day(s)


Tang Xiao was a grinding gamer emperor who majored in the heavenly pit of biology at university. He motivated himself to find another way to become a professional gamer.

As a genius who played games plus as a grinding emperor, there was no level he couldn’t play. One day, his roommate recommended him a holographic game known as the most difficult in history. Countless professional players had failed and he could become famous in one fell swoop if he could play it.

Tang Xiao went on with confidence and then hit numerous BE.

The beginning was always the laboratory, and he ended up being devoured by a monster he raised.

Tang Xiao:? It’s kind of interesting.

After countless weeks of stumbling with the monster, Tang Xiao went from a laboratory minion to an assistant researcher. From assistant researcher to formal researcher. He even went ashore as a biology graduate student in reality.

Tang Xiao: … Wait a minute, what am I playing this game for? (Uptight) (Out of my Mind)

Forget it, I’m done grinding!

In the end, he looked at the little monster he had raised, covered in blood red, like a mushroom and an animal, with the sanity point dropped all over the place.

He didn’t know when the monster that learned to disguise itself as a human appearance stuck up like a dog, not at all cold-blooded and cruel as before, stretching out its mycelium-like tent**les to wrap around Tang Xiao’s ankle and said in a hoarse voice, “As promised, a tube of blood for a kiss.”

Breed: King of Mushroom (Higher Dimensional Organism)

Danger Level: ???

Tang Xiao smiled disdainfully. He resolutely died in a certain main quest and uninstalled the game!

Garbage game, ruin my youth! This grandpa is not playing anymore, I’ll be on my way to a PhD if I play again!


The eldest brother of the Tang family worked at a high level, and one day, he learned a secret.

A holographic game called had swept the world, but the game was not just a game. The game world was a real parallel world, and for various reasons, the two worlds were about to merge. There was going to be a big mess.

One day, the special department suddenly and urgently issued an internal warrant to find a mysterious Dr. Tang.

The monster he cultivated went berserk. The spores and mycelium were all over the world and as the two worlds merged, he would ascend to the throne. However, it was not a good thing. Because of the disappearance of someone, the monster was in a berserk phase where it could not communicate.

The eldest brother of the Tang family observed the characteristics of Dr. Tang on the wanted notice. He then glanced at his younger brother, who was absentmindedly playing games with his legs crossed.

Is it to punish his relative for justice? Or is it to punish his relative for justice?

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