Prehistoric: Deduction at the beginning of the myth Daluo’s cultivation method

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False Daluo: It will be broken at the touch of a touch, and it will be involved in the calamity and there is a risk of falling!

The real big Luo: one certificate lasts forever! All time and space are eternally free! No matter where you are, everything is supreme! Such a big Luo is also called a mythical big Luo!

At the beginning of the game, it became the first ray of purple energy innately, accompanied by half of the good luck jade card, Zi Xiao had two choices.

1. Step by step, cultivate into a false big Luo, or die suddenly in the middle, and become a chance to become Hongjun!

2. Transform into form in advance, and deduce the cultivation method of the mythical Daluo with the good fortune jade card!

How to choose?

Of course it is the second one!

Refining essence to transform qi, refining qi to transform god, refining god to return to emptiness, refining emptiness to join the Tao!

Open up countless worlds in the body, if the world is not destroyed, the breath will not stop! You can roam the heavens, you can reverse cause and effect, you can flow against the long river of the world, you can stir the cause and effect of fate, and you will not be destroyed through thousands of eons. The world is rotten, but I am immortal!

I am the only one, reflecting the universe!

After countless yuanhuis, when Zixiao cultivated into a celestial being and opened up Da Luotian, the whole prehistoric world was stunned.

All monks: So we are all cultivating fake immortals?

The exclusive contracted novel of Feilu Novel. Com: “Prehistoric: The Beginning Deduction of Mythical Daluo’s Practice”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.

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