Picking up the Child of a Superstar, He Went to the Baby Variety Show

Web Novel [CH]
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71 chapters 7 extras (completed)

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Every 0.33 Day(s)


Jian Zhile is an obscure minor celebrity whose main job is singing and side job is washing dishes at a hotel and cleaning cars.

One day after work, he found a lost child by the roadside. Before he could ask where the child’s home was, the child ran to him crying, “Daddy!”

Jian Zhile: “…”

Single for years and suddenly becomes a dad.

With no one else around, he took the child home, thinking it was a joke. However, a trip to the hospital for a paternity test revealed that the child was indeed his biological son!!

On the way back with the report in hand, Jian Zhile’s hands were trembling, “Little one, who is your father?”

He thought having a son was shocking enough.

The little boy pointed to a handsome man on a building poster outside the car window and said, “Daddy!”

Jian Zhile’s eyes widened. The man on the poster was none other than Gu Qingye, this year’s hottest superstar and newly crowned film emperor, someone Jian Zhile had only met a few times and never spoken to!


A new variety show featuring adorable children was launched, gathering top stars from the industry, including a popular female idol and her niece, the reigning film emperor and his little nephew, and the newly-acknowledged father, Jian Zhile.

During a solo interview.

Facing the camera, when the staff asked about the child’s father, Jian Zhile put on his best acting skills to avoid slipping up: “When I was young and foolish, the child’s father left early, but I still believe life is my own, so…”

Live stream audience:

“I heard Zhile works three jobs.”

“The baby is so cute!!”

“What a scumbag dad, abandoning his wife and child!”

“From now on, we’ll protect baby and Lele!”

After the show officially started.

At the airport gathering, Jian Zhile got off the car with his baby, who was drowsy due to acclimatization. Seeing the film emperor approaching, the child’s eyes lit up, and he happily ran towards Gu Qingye, shouting, “Daddy, hug!”

Jian Zhile: ?

Film emperor: ?

The scene fell into an awkward silence.

The film emperor’s fans in the comments were in an uproar:

“Is the film emperor a scumbag dad?”


“Brother Gu definitely can’t have a child.”

“What on earth is this shocking revelation!!”

While everyone thought the child was just speaking innocently, until after the show ended and the guests returned to their lives.

One day, the film emperor suddenly posted a photo of three people, along with their freshly received marriage certificate, officially announcing: “Not a scumbag dad, officially married @Jian Zhile.”

The whole internet was stunned.

#Rumored early-exit husband resurrected from the grave#

#The couple I shipped came true#

#They really have a child#

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