People in the comprehensive martial arts Daming, the beginning of the marriage to the lord of Yunluo

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Crossing into a chaotic and dangerous world of comprehensive martial arts and becoming the son of the Duke of Wei, Xu Pengju said that he was a little panicked.

Fortunately, after awakening the martial arts experience panel, as long as you study and practice hard, you can continue to improve, and there is no bottleneck shackles.

Changchun Gong: Strengthen the body, prolong life, youth is not old, and life expectancy is greatly increased.

The Great Method of Absorbing Gong: A hundred rivers return to the sea, swallow the sun and the moon, and protect the qi of the world, no one can beat it.

King Kong is not bad divine skill: swords and guns do not enter, water and fire do not invade, everything is indestructible, King Kong is not bad.

Huang Ting Neijing: refining and refining gas, refining gas and transforming gods, refining gods and returning to the void, the sun and the moon are the same light, mountains and rivers coexist, and heaven and earth live together!


The two ears did not listen to the affairs outside the window, and they were only dedicated to the martial arts immortals!

Xu Pengju adhered to his heart, practiced silently, and only realized the martial arts land immortal.

Who would have thought that a decree for marriage would be issued, so that he had to go out of the mansion and enter this river and lake by mistake.

Emperor Zhengde of the Ming Dynasty: “I have Xu Pengju, the Duke of Wei, who can’t step on the rivers and lakes? ” ”

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “People in Zhuwu Daming, the beginning of the marriage to the lord of Yunluo County”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

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