Kissing the Mole


1. Shang Xiao, a legendary singer, has a long neck, cold pale complexion, and a mole next to his Adam’s apple.

After an interview with a special person in one issue, Time magazine rated it as “the sexiest mole in the world, but it’s a pity that it’s with the most frigid person in the world.”

As a result, the next day after the publication, the entertainment tabloid broke the news of Shang Xiao’s new photo.

In the photo, the man still had a cold and indifferent face. The only difference was that there was a circle of thin teeth marks next to the mole.

Among the boiling public opinion, Shang Xiao posted on Weibo in a calm manner-

“Don’t brag about that mole. Do you want to see her bite it off again in anger?”

The whole network went crazy, guessing which top female star this “her” is.

2. Su He is an 18th-tier actress, and the kind that is surrounded by negative news. There are rumors all over that entertainment giant Xing Tian is her “godfather”. There are also rumors that she has been with in inappropriate relationships with most of the entertainment industry’s top class people.

Until one day, Su He went to her wrong Weibo account and shouted “Hubby I love you” under the Weibo feed of the genius superstar, Shang Xiao. Instantly, she became popular – the whole network chased her and scolded her for three days and three nights.

On the fourth day, they continued to scold her, but unfortunately two people couldn’t help but posted on Weibo.

[Xingtian Entertainment-Boss]:

@Su He, that is my daughter, my dear.


@Su He, that is my wife, if you scold her again, I will block you.

The whole network: ? ? ? ?

In the next second, Weibo crashed!

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