I’m a Family Doctor in a Domineering Boss Novel


In every domineering boss novel, besides a butler who would say, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the young master so happy,” a family doctor is also essential.

I am such a family doctor, helping the domineering bosses to solve all sorts of difficult problems.

I have four employers ——

Employer No. 1 is the domineering boss of the troubled family, and also the boss who gives me the most headaches.

His family follows the ‘unable to escape’ route. The shou is a cold beauty who often gets injured by the domineering boss.

When it was over, the boss was still possessive and wouldn’t let me see the exact injury.

Employer No. 2 is the domineering boss of the in-laws’ family. I still can’t figure out their situation.

When I went to his house that day, I saw two men standing in the courtyard. One was the employer’s own brother and the other was the employer’s …… male stepmother.

I could vaguely hear my employer’s brother roaring, “Are you with my brother? We agreed to compete fairly after Dad passed away, how could you do this?”

Oh my god, what kind of family is this?

Employer No. 3 is the domineering boss of the amorous family. This family is my most normal employer.

The couple is in love, and the family is harmonious. I regularly go for maternity checkups for my employer’s partner.

Hm, pregnant, man!

In the fourth month of pregnancy, my employer pulled me aside and asked me in a low voice——

“Is it okay to have s*x now? Dr. Shen, look at this @#$% position, it won’t affect the fetus, right?”

Me: ……

Sorry, I take back what I just said about this family being the most normal.

Employer No. 4 is the strong and miserable beauty of the family.

The employer has no father or mother and only has a sweet old butler by his side.

The old butler is very nice. Every time I come, he gives me some gifts and talks to me about daily life.

Everything is fine, except that he likes to mutter when I leave, and I don’t know what he’s saying.

Finally, one day, I couldn’t help myself and deliberately slowed down my pace as I walked, and then I heard him say——

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the young master so happy.”

I stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

CP: Upright Family Doctor With Lots of Inner Drama X Green Tea Gong (4th Employer)

# I ate melons again today, so happy! #

# Let me see what’s going on with the employer’s family. #


All CPs in this story, including the supporting characters, have no legal or actual familial relationship.

All characters who break the law will also be sanctioned accordingly.

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