I shall die and die again to know that life is inexhaustible.
Rabindranath Tagore [Stray Birds].
-> Reset world
The ghost monsters are resetting…. The world is resetting… Resurrecting all the players… Other than [Core Player], all other player’s memories are erased… Relationship meter is erased…
! Warning ! Detected [Player X]’s memory is still partially retained.
Resetting player again.
! Warning ! [Player X]’s memory imprint is too deep to be erased.
Deleting the player.
! Warning ! [Player X] is an important character and cannot be deleted.
Override the bug, reset the world to the beginning.
***After completing the Nth+1 time of resetting***
**Instance is restarting**
! Warning ! [Player X] has made contact with [Core Player].
! Warning ! [Player X]’s feelings towards [Core Player] has exceeded the maximum threshold.
! Warning ! [Player X] and [Core Player] are commencing indescribable actions.
! Warning! The following content cannot be displayed according to the relevant rules and regulations.