Bluestar has entered the era of data awakening.
Li Ye awakened order talent at the beginning.
[Ultimate posture: You can give your own talent as the ultimate posture]
[Temporary gift: when entering the dungeon, get a temporary talent]
Talent: Temporary gift. Ultimate Stance-Permanent Existence: When clearing the instance, temporary talent → permanent talent
Talent: Conqueror. Ultimate Stance – Infinite Stacking: The effect of the Conqueror can be stacked infinitely
Talent: Requires reduction. Ultimate Stance – Need Ignore: Can ignore the use requirements of all items
Talent: God bless reincarnation. Ultimate Stance – Infinite Nirvana: Infinite rebirth, each rebirth gains a temporary buff
Talent: Psychic Stance. Ultimate Stance – Perception of Good and Evil: You can detect all hostile units within your position
As time passed, Li Ye obtained countless ultimate postures, making him invincible in the world
Feilu Novel. Com’s exclusive signed novel: “Data Awakening: The ultimate talent will be given by swiping the picture”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.