Ryoichiro Satake, a university professor studying botany, lives a comfortable life with his loyal servant, Tokuma. Despite their different social standings, Tokuma has always been a steady and protective presence in Ryoichiro’s life. However, hidden beneath their quiet daily routine is an unspoken longing—Ryoichiro harbors secret feelings for Tokuma but fears confessing them.
Set in a historical fantasy world filled with mononoke and yokai, this BL novel weaves a tale of unspoken emotions, complex bonds, and supernatural intrigue.
Ryoichiro: A free-spirited young man with a passion for plants, grappling with his own feelings.
Tokuma: A quiet yet earnest servant with the unique ability to perceive spirits, despite being unnoticed by others himself.
Also included is the bonus short story Shirofuji (White Wisteria), originally published in a pamphlet.