black-bellied peasant woman

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Encountering time travel, dilapidated houses, relatives yelling and scolding, and a little bun waiting to be fed, Su Jin was speechless and asked the sky, is there a time traveler worse than her?

It doesn’t matter if you want to do business without capital, we have wisdom,

I want to buy land, but I have no rights, it doesn’t matter, we have plenty of prospects,

I want to open a store, but I don’t have power, it doesn’t matter, we have a lot of popularity,

So she took the little bun and was very busy, her pockets were bulging, her parents, seven aunts and eight aunts, and eight aunts and relatives who couldn’t reach her came one after another, trying to covet her money and take her To dominate her shop, my sister has never been a vegetarian, if you dare to play her idea, you have to be mentally prepared!

The best relatives haven’t finished catching up yet, and another black-bellied wolf comes!

Su Jin was completely angry. This man dared to be tired of his life. He dared to come and snatch her son from her. Let’s see how she uses eighteen skills to overwhelm this wolf!

Fragment one:

“Mother, that person looks similar to the baby. ” The innocent little bun looked at the suave and handsome boy not far away and became nympho.

“Hey, baby, how many times has mother taught you, don’t just say that when you meet a man. Although you need your father’s company to grow up, mother, this female man has more or less filled in some blanks. ” A certain woman looked helpless, This little bun wants a father more and more.

“But mother, that man really looks like the baby, maybe he really is the baby’s father. ” Xiao Baozi was a little anxious, the handsome boy had gone farther and farther, and he would not be found if he didn’t chase after him.

“… ” A certain woman was left speechless. How many times has this happened? This kid really lacks a father’s love. She has to think about it and find him a father.

Fragment two:

“Woman, I paid a deposit to buy this place first, so why are you arguing with me? ” The beautiful man glared at the woman in front of him viciously, as if he would not give up until he reached his goal.

“People say that good men don’t fight with women, but you want to fight with me. Tell me, what kind of man are you? ” A certain woman leaned against the door carelessly, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

“Mother, the baby knows that he is a bad man! ” The most protective little bun immediately rushed up, with his hands on his hips, glaring at the beautiful boy angrily.

“Is he your son? ” After seeing the little bun that looked so similar to himself, the handsome man’s face changed, and he packed the little bun and carried it away, “I don’t want the land anymore, this kid is mine! ”

Fragment three:

“There are countless shops, land, and various manors. My assets are obviously more than yours. Why do you want me to marry you? ” , Even if he is the baby’s own father.

“I don’t have mountains of gold and silver, but I have a heart that loves you and the identity of the baby’s biological father. Isn’t that enough for you to marry? ”

“Unless you have more money than me, you can just wait to marry me! ” A certain woman was still complacent, hum, let’s see if you, a big man, dare to put down your face and marry someone.

“Isn’t it just a false name, okay, lady, let’s enter the bridal chamber first. ” After the beautiful man finished speaking, he directly picked up a certain woman and went to have sex.

Key words of the novel: Black-bellied farmer’s best husband No pop-up window, Black-bellied farmer’s best husband txt complete works download, Black-bellied farmer’s best husbandLatest chapter reading.

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