斑斓色苍空 (Author)



Live broadcast of ghost hunting, the sister on the list is actually a yandere school beauty
  • Fan-Fiction
Story of: Live broadcast of ghost hunting, the sister on the list is actually a yandere school beauty [Jie Jie Jie + Yandere + Cao Thief + Daily + Live Broadcast] [This book is also called: What should I do, bad women all want to pursue me! 】 Reviving the weird world, Gu Cheng found…
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Marriage for all: starting from the establishment of a monster girl family
  • Urban
全民被投放到了由许许多多房间组成的婚配游戏世界。 玩家开局将会身处虚拟空间,面前有着四扇门。 粉色婚配房:随机与亿万种族进行婚配,组建属于自己的强大家族。 白色随机房:情况未知,可能是资源、怪物,或者玩家之间尔虞我诈的交易房。 而身为玩家之一的顾尘,发现婚配对象可能是丑陋无比的魔物,猪、狗、虎、熊……令人胆战心惊。 所幸他觉醒了家族兴旺系统,不仅自带魅惑一级和精力充沛,而且开局就能看到房间提示! 【这是怪物房,由危险的狗头人小队驻守,你进去必死无疑。】 【这是资源房,打开里面的宝箱即可获得宝贵的食物资源。】 【这是交易房,当前没有玩家抵达,无法进行实时交流。】 【这是婚配房,里面此刻正有着一只极度危险的极品魅魔!】 当其他玩家还在为选错婚配对象的错误买单,濒临崩溃时。 顾尘已经带领着强大的魅魔家族,开始成为宇宙霸主! 小说关键词:全民婚配:从建立魔物娘家族开始无弹窗, 全民婚配:从建立魔物娘家族开始txt全集下载, 全民婚配:从建立魔物娘家族开始最新章节阅读.
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Choose Elf Mother, but Goblin Lair
  • Urban
After Gu Chen died, he was reborn as a weak and cunning goblin. And you get a Goblin life simulation system, where you can choose your birth mother every time! Congratulations on traveling to another world. Please choose your birth mother: A. Saint of the Holy See of Light B. The daughter of an imperial…
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