倚栏听风雨 (Author)



Genie: When I joined Team Rocket, I also wanted to change the world
  • Fan-Fiction
In the Pokémon world, Arthur, who has lived for sixteen years, awakened the memories and systems of his previous life, and he was shocked to find that his uncle turned out to be the boss of Team Rocket, and the system he awakened turned out to be the strongest Team Rocket system. He knows that…
Releases 1
Hokage, I am Uzumaki Naruto
  • Fan-Fiction
Break the shackles of fate and smash the mask of hypocrisy. Under the will of fire, there are people reduced to caged birds. Unwilling to be a caged bird? Then resist! I, Naruto Uzumaki, will never be a pawn in the hands of those in power! My life is up to me, not Konoha! Obito…
Releases 1
Elf: I joined the Rockets and I also want to change the world
  • Fan-Fiction
In the world of Pokémon, Arthur, who lived for 16 years, awakened the memory and system of his previous life. He was shocked to find that his uncle turned out to be the boss of Team Rocket, Sakagi, and the system he awakened turned out to be the strongest Team Rocket system. He knows that…
Releases 1
Elf: After joining Team Rocket, I also want to change the world
  • Fan-Fiction
Story of: Elf: After joining Team Rocket, I also want to change the world In the Pokémon world, Arthur, who has lived for sixteen years, awakened the memories and systems of his previous life. He was shocked to find that his uncle was actually the boss of Team Rocket, Sakaki, and the system he awakened…
Releases 1
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