航海:悟性逆天,开局领悟八门遁 (Associated Names)



Navigation: The understanding is incredible, and you can understand the Eight Doors Escape at the be
  • Fan-Fiction
Traveling through the world of pirates, he replaced the unborn Luffy and gained the gift of incredible understanding. Since then, Luffy has created all kinds of heaven-defying abilities. “Your understanding is incredible. Through visualization and understanding, you can understand the exclusive skill – Eight Door Dunjia. ” “Your understanding is unparalleled. Through visualization and understanding,…
Releases 1
Sailing: The comprehension is against the sky, and the eight gates are comprehended at the beginning
  • Fan-Fiction
Story of: Sailing: The comprehension is against the sky, and the eight gates are comprehended at the beginning He traveled through the world of pirates, replaced Luffy who was not yet born, and gained a natural gift of comprehension. Since then, Luffy has created all kinds of incredible abilities. "You have an extraordinary comprehension. Through…
Releases 1
Navigation: Comprehension Heaven-Defying, Understanding Eight Gate Escape At The Beginning
  • Fan-Fiction
Traveling through the world of pirates, he replaced the unborn Luffy and gained the gift of heaven-defying understanding. Since then, Luffy has created various heaven-defying abilities. "Your understanding is heaven-defying. Through visualization, you can understand the exclusive skill-Eight Inner Gates. " "You understand heaven-defying, realize through visualization, understand- Conqueror's Haki- entanglement. " "Your understanding is…
Releases 1
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