After the Protagonist Is Robbed of His Luck [Rebirth]

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144 Chapters (Completed)

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English Publisher
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Release Frequency
Every 2.8 Day(s)


Mo Xun was the former protagonist whose luck was stolen by the transmigrator.

Before the transmigrator arrived,

He was the true young master of the largest sect in the cultivation world, living outside his sect, with a happy family and foster parents who loved him dearly.

He would have been admitted to the top sect, Huami Immortal Realm, successfully acknowledged by his ancestors, taken his foster parents to honor them, and eventually become a peerless genius admired by everyone in the cultivation world.

After the transmigrator arrived, overnight he became a solitary star of ill fate.

His biological father saw him as an outsider, his supposed childhood sweetheart, the eldest brother, felt he had usurped everything from the fake young master, and even his foster parents regretted raising such a broom star.

The transmigrator relied on extraordinary luck to quickly become the beloved junior brother of Huami Immortal Realm, offering a flawless crystal heart to cure the sect leader.

Grateful for saving his life and spending time together day and night, they gradually developed genuine feelings for each other.

Even after revealing his true identity, the sect leader of Huami Immortal Realm only acknowledged him and not his own offspring.

In the end, he was forced into a secret realm and died, while the transmigrator sat alone on a high platform, becoming the new leader of the sect.

As he faced death, Ink Search desperately grasped the sword inserted in the center of the secret realm.

Blood flowed down his palm, merging into the sword’s patterns.

A weary and lazy voice sounded in his ear:

“What is your wish?”

“Revenge,” he said. “I want them to pay the price.”

Opening his eyes again, IMo Xun returned two hundred years ago.

On the day when Gu ascended to the heavens and transformed into feathers, he was betrayed by his best friend and slept for a thousand years filled with hatred.

Originally resigned to despair, only waiting for his last bit of soul to dissipate into the world.

Who knew that one day, a young man with blood and hatred would intrude into his grave, drop blood into his sword’s inscription, and awaken him from his slumber.

“Who are you…?”

Driven mad from being trapped in the sword, Gu, who only wanted to tease people to pass the time, said in a low voice, “I am…”

Your father.

Before finishing his words, he lifted his eyes and saw the person before him.

A beautiful person with black hair and fair skin stood solemnly holding a sword, exuding a temperament as cold and clear as early spring lake water.

“… You are destined to be my husband.”

[Little Theater]

Gu: “Wife, I’ll make you rich.”

Mo Xun: “?”

Gu: “Come, I’ll take you to dig my grave.”

Gu (proudly pointing at his grave): “Tell me, are you going to call me ‘dad’ and inherit my legacy, or call me ‘husband’ and take all the betrothal gifts?”

Mo Xun: “But you’re already dead.”

Gu: “Huh?”

Mo Xun: “I can forcefully take them.”

Gu (tearful cat head): “Where did my formerly upright and kind wife go? Don’t learn bad things from me!”

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