After Dressing Up As a Little Fulang


An Yun finally got into college, but on the day of freshman registration, he was hit by a car while saving a child.

The good news was that he was still alive when he opened his eyes again. The bad news was that he had come to an unknown dynasty, no longer a boy, and had fallen into the hands of a human trafficker.

In order to get rid of the predicament, An Yun, with the idea of ​​dying together, hit a nobleman with his body, and ended up becoming the “child bride” of the nobleman’s 12-year-old devil son.

Looking at the devil who left blood marks with every whip, An Yun trembled and felt that it would be better for him to find a way to escape.

So, An Yun secretly flattered the devil, secretly sold things, secretly saved money, and wanted to accumulate capital to leave.

Strong and beautiful shou VS stubborn devil gong


1. It was fictional, very fictional!!! There were many private settings, after all, there would be no such person as shuanger in the real ancient times!

2. Gave birth to a child.

3. The gong and shou were not perfect characters!!!

4. If you feel uncomfortable, please stop reading it.

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Jul 2GalaxyTL
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