Abuse of Magic is Prohibited

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45 chapters 4 extras

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Xia Ke is a rare, powerful magician in modern society. Because he was so poor that he could only eat instant noodles he decided to perform an ancient ritual magic.

This ritual magic allows the caster to legally and reasonably own a huge fortune that can never be spent.

Two days later, he was still waiting for the wealth to fall from the sky. Just when Xia Ke thought the magic didn’t work, his doorbell suddenly rang.

A tall and handsome man stood in front of the door of his simple two-bedroom apartment holding a brand new marriage certificate in his hand.

“Are you my husband?”

Xia Ke: “…”

Wait, the so-called legal acquisition of wealth means inexplicably entering into a marriage relationship with the richest man in the world? Is there a prenuptial agreement that is so strict that all property can be taken away upon divorce?

There is something very wrong with this ritual magic!


Zhao Nao couldn’t understand why he suddenly had a husband when he woke up, and had even signed a completely unfair prenuptial agreement with him.

“When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how unbelievable, is the truth.”

After spending two days investigating the memories of everyone around him about this unknown husband, Zhao Nao came to the conclusion——

I must have lost my memory!

He plucked up his courage and came to the door of Xia Ke’s residence.

The beautiful boy wearing a weird robe looked at him confusedly, then looked at the marriage certificate in his hand. The glass bottle in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Zhao Nao’s pupils shook.

He had such a big reaction when he saw the marriage certificate! He still loves me!

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