The protagonist, Ryuhei Aizawa, wakes up one morning to find himself reincarnated into the world of Tenrai no Niji (The Rainbow of the Horizon), a romance-action RPG set in a modern dungeon. However, he’s not the protagonist in this world; instead, he’s a mob character, a year ahead of the protagonist in school.
Believing that a background character shouldn’t interfere with the storyline, Ryuhei decides to take a path that will keep him unnoticed. He chooses a path called the Martial God Route (nicknamed the virg*n Route), which leads to an ending where he avoids forming romantic ties with any of the heroines and lives quietly in the background.
But Ryuhei remains unaware of a few things. First, his obsessive training has earned him a school-wide reputation as the “Training Maniac.” And second, one of the senior heroines (who is now his classmate in this world) has heard of him and is trying to make contact…