After the 99th Confession , The Cold School Beauty’s Personality Collapsed


From the day Qin Luo acquired the system, he set his sights on the aloof school beauty.

The first time, Qin Luo brought milk tea to confess his feelings and was rejected.

The 12th time, Qin Luo brought breakfast to confess his feelings and was rejected.

The 48th time, Qin Luo brought roses to confess his feelings and was rejected.

The 99th time, Qin Luo stood outside the dormitory loudly confessing his feelings and was rejected.

Inside the girls’ dormitory, the school beauty waited and waited, but Qin Luo’s 100th confession never came.

She took the initiative to find Qin Luo and asked, “Why didn’t you come to confess?”

Qin Luo responded, “Miss, do we know each other?”

The school beauty: “???”

The next day, the school beauty appeared holding milk tea.

Classmates exclaimed, “She broke character! The aloof school beauty broke character!”

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Jun 18GalaxyTL
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